Chicago Heat Wave and New Air Travel Rules
2 Comments Published by William on August 24, 2006 at 8:37 PM.

It’s been a long time since I post something in my blog. I’ve been very busy! I started my new project in Chicago and have been going through the regular consultant’s Monday morning and Thursday night commute from Toronto to Chicago and vice-versa. So, what happened so far?
Two major events happened worthy to share and catch up with current events:First, there was this deadly heat-wave on the first week of August in Chicago. 26 people died. It was already very hot in Toronto but it was so bad in Chicago. In the past I have only read about the Heat Wave horrors in the news. I now understand why that can happen in Chicago. Chicago have cold winters just like Toronto but it is also notoriously known as the Windy City because of the strong normal gust. Because of this not too many people will invest in airconditioning. During this heatwave week the temperature outside is so hot and humid even at 1:00 in the morning. It’s like you are being roasted. The only difference is – you are being roast in a convection oven because of the gusty winds. The picture on the left shows how the strong and arid wind is blowing the leaves. I took this photo from inside my Ford Escape since it’s too warm outside (I now understand that too warm and just plain too hot are two different things).
Second, the foiled terrorist attack in Englad brought mayhem and chaos into US air traffic. Here in Toronto, Monday mornings in Terminal 2 have always been a very busy time due to the long line of TN consultants in the US immigration. Because the “Orange” alert level have been imposed to all US port of entry, the waiting time in the counter line have also doubled or tripled. In Toronto, you may now be asked to remove your shoes in the carry-on check. This is a regular in US departing flights that is being adopted now in Canada. I don't have any picture to share because of the tight security in airports.
As of this week the interpretation of liquids in carry over bags are as follows:
1. Water and other kinds of juice – not allowed
2. Baby milk – allowed but they may ask you to sample the milk
3. Liquids for contact lens and eye care – allowed if in very small and reasonable quantity
4. Toothpaste – not allowed even in sachet packs. Hotels do provide sachet toothpaste because of this.
The biggest questions so far of traveling consultants and businessmen are:
1. Can we still carry 2 hand carry luggage? – YES
2. Can we bring our notebooks as carry-ons? - YES
3. How many minutes or hours do we need to add to the regular arrival and clearing time for departure? – zero to 30 minutes top is ok depending on which airline & airport.
Don’t ask me about ladies make-up kits since I cannot answer that.
I have travelled twice to US since they imposed these new rules and they are changing the rules everyday - but for the better and reasonable change.
Well, there you have it!